"If you have high ash content in your forages, you're feeding dirt," Ted Wiseman, OSU Extension
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During the second session of the 2020 Ohio Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management School that was hosted by the Ohio State University Extension Beef Team, Ted Wiseman, Ohio State University Extension Educator in Perry County, discussed the value of analyzing the nutrient content of forages. Included in that presentation was an explanation regarding ash content, what it results from, and why it’s a concern. In this brief excerpt from his presentation, Wiseman explains, in part, how 5 pounds of a forage with 18% ash content is equivalent to feeding a pound of dirt to the animal.
During the second session of the 2020 Ohio Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management School that was hosted by the Ohio State University Extension Beef Team, Ted Wiseman, Ohio State University Extension Educator in Perry County, discussed the value of analyzing the nutrient content of forages. Included in that presentation was an explanation regarding ash content, what it results from, and why it’s a concern. In this brief excerpt from his presentation, Wiseman explains, in part, how 5 pounds of a forage with 18% ash content is equivalent to feeding a pound of dirt to the animal.